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Essay/Term paper: Bill clintons america

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William Jefferson Clinton was re-elected as president of the United States in 1996. During the last
4 years Bill has had a lot of problems e.g. Whitewater and sex-scandals.
Whitewater is a summerhouse-area where Bill and especially his wife, Hillary, a couple of years
ago, made some suspicious money-transactions. Right now the case against Hillary Clinton is pau¬
sed, but the judge thinks a breakthrough might come if a good friend of Hillary and Bill is proved
guilty. If he is judged it will be a lot easier to get the Clintons.
And now to the sex-scandals; a young girl is right now trying to win a case against Bill Clinton. She
claims that the president, when he was governor in Arkansore, came to a hotel where she was a
waitress or something like that. He should then have asked her to come to his room later that day.
When she arrived he tried to force her to have sex with him. He should also have showed her his
thing. She turned him down and he gave up and said that she should forget all about this. That is
what she has told, we are still waiting to hear Bill Clinton´s statement.
Another big problem to Bill is that he has been unable to fulfil those very big promises he gave
during his election campaign in 1992. That has given his credibility and the polls a big push down.
One of his promises was his healthprogram, the purpose of this was to give people with not so
many money a chance to get treated at a hospital. In US you are supposed to pay hospital-bills
yourself. It is something like our public health insurance where the government pays for the ho¬
spitals. In US it is a problem that the poor can not afford the medicine and therefore they sometimes
do not get any. This healthprogram was unfortunately voted down by the republican majority in the
The US government has also an extreme materialistic way of getting people in work and thereby
holding down the unemployment. They simply only give the unemployed a minimum of benefit and
they only get it in a very short time. The unemployed are therefore forced to find a job, no matter
what they have to do. This policy has also its good sides; the unemployment is very low, the salaries
are low and therefore the competitive power is good. Unfortunately for the Americans it has not
done anything good for the balance of payments, they still owe a lot of money to different countries
and banks. This policy has been sharpened during Clintons presidential period. This is especially a
problem for the blacks that live in the high-unemployment-ghettos.
This brings us to another big problem in the American society; the violence. In US the control with
weapons is very loose, and everybody can walk into a gunshop and buy their own weapon. Because
of that there are a lot of guns, and the criminals are defiantly not afraid of using them. Because of
all this criminals having weapons, ordinary people feel that they must own a weapon. All these
ordinary people prevent that a better weaponlow has been made
In the worst areas even the schoolkids have guns and they bring them to school. Some schools have
therefore installed metal detectors to find some of the weapons.


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